The MS2237 & ANKA3000 are large rack and pinion man & materials hoists. They are intended to serious large sized construction materials and groups of people. They are intended for new construction of buildings up to 60 levels, or rennovation that requires large Plant or machinery to be moved between floors. They come with a single mast or Twin Mast, or can even have multi-mast configurations. The twin mast versions are large enough to move traditional or formwork systems between floors. These machines have been design registered with Worksafe and are fully compliant the Australian Safety Standards. These machines come with smooth electronic control and floor and weight read-outs to guard against overloading. They use soft start inverters to reduce Site power consumption, that also enable automatic floor setting by the operator. Man & Materials hoist are also supplied as Standard with Interlocking Building Gates and the ability to run in Hi-Speed when power is available, they may also be fitted with Mesh protection screens if required by the formworker for the Live Deck